Study tips to get you through the last few weeks

You’ve made it through midterms, spring break and Easter break. Now comes that long stretch before finals. When motivation seems to be at an all-time low and exhaustion seems to be at an all-time high, you need some basic study tips to maximize the productivity and efficiency of your study time.

Here are some of our suggestions:

  1. Make a list. Take a second to sit down and make a comprehensive to do list! Making a list helps to prioritize assignments and keep you on track. It may feel overwhelming at first to look at all that you have to do, but it is incredibly satisfying to cross assignments off and watch that list shrink.
  2. Reward yourself. As you cross items off your list, make sure to reward yourself for your progress. Put jelly beans on the pages of your textbook, and as you read down the page, eat the jelly beans as you get to them. Or, once you finish an assignment, allow yourself to have a cookie!
  3. Take breaks. If you study for too long without giving yourself a break, your studying becomes less effective. It is well worth your while to take 15 minutes and go for a walk around campus. Get some fresh air or chat with a friend. When you sit back down, you will be refreshed and better able to focus.
  4. Don’t wait until the last second. Procrastination seems like a good idea until it’s 10 p.m. the night before that paper is due and you’re both exhausted and overwhelmed. Start working on projects a little bit each day in the weeks leading up to that due date. That way, on the night before it’s due, when all of your friends are scrambling to finish, you can treat yourself to some ice cream and get a good night’s rest. It is a difficult habit to get into, but it pays off in the long run.
  5. Study with others. You’ll have to make sure that everyone in the group is on the same page and really wants to study, but studying with others can offer new perspectives on and explanations of the material. Bouncing ideas off of peers and explaining concepts to each other really helps you learn and remember material well.
  6. Try some new, quirky study methods. Whether it’s a mnemonic device or something as simple as chewing gum while you study, there are tons of ways to increase the effectiveness of your studying and help you remember information more clearly. Figure out what kind of learner you are (audio, visual, etc.) and go from there!

As the semester draws to a close, finish strong and remember that the CRC is always here to help with assignments, reading comprehension and speeches!

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